It focuses on pre academic skills , writing and reading skills for children with autism and other disabilities
This program supports the children to perform better in their classes

It focuses on pre academic skills , writing and reading skills for children with autism and other disabilities
This program supports the children to perform better in their classes
My son mohammed sehel 8 years old special child having down syndrome he has having difficulty in speech , trouble in making sounds.. Finally I met with meena she is aba profressional ... She helped him in practicing many words with the help of talk tools which I actually bought in singapore . Its a bit expensive but worth the price ... And I am surprised in less than 6 months he started calling me mom and also started to interact with people by calling names ...He learned many basic words ...I suggest others to get help from meena . Thanks to her for the effort she did to make them learn and understand the language.
Your centre is been doing a really great job ma’am , that is also shown on my son adithya . Ma’am your centre has got a very big impact on my son in many ways, like before he joined school he would not read / write but joining him to your centre he reads and learnt a lot of discipline like he has learnt a lot of discipline like he has learnt how to feed himself etc . And moreover your centre has thought my son how to independent and to do his small works on his own without anybody's help. Especially you cooperate a lot and help me in bringing up my son which is one of the best part of your centre . Totally your centre has bought a very big change in my life and in my sons life . And ma’am I am very sure that if I put little more effort on my son, He can be successfully integrated into the Mainstream school.
He was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder pervasive development disorder on august 7, 2013. He was 3 years 1 month old. He had poor eye contact, lack of concentration, limited speech, sensory processing and lack of communication with no peer interaction hence he was referred for occupational therapy and applied behavioural therapy. He was admitted in lourdes english school in 2014. We found that his normal school admits kids with minimal behavioural issues and slow learners, here manish began his schooling. Mrs. Meena helped him in picking up academics, language and math. Hence he started improving in fine motor skills. He was not able to hold the pencil in the beginning and now he is good at writing
He has improved by following the commands and sitting tolerance has improved. His speech has improved. He now voices the sounds and words. Thanks for helping us and move my child to the next level of his readiness to go to school.
Prasanna my son was completely non verbal, after starting class in Jey Special Needs Centre. He started saying few sounds to express his needs, tacting & picture to object matching has improved. In identical matching scanning and matching has improved thanks to your support
In Ronny's case I have noticed some improvement in speech like by using talk tools, He has achieved some vowels in speech area. He has now started to say vowels like a e o using talk tools, But speech is at the moment limited to this. He has also improved in understanding instructions and commands.
“Meena ma'am has been a fantastic teacher for my son Prithivi. He was always happy to go to her class and has grown much in confidence. Meena ma'am is an enthusiastic and hardworking teacher.I find her easy to reach and she is quite understanding.Her genuine care for each child is beyond words.Must mention about the talk tools which she cleverly incorporated into his daily schedule and brought back his vocal sounds.